Although the general public think of the hairs, the anatomists and surgeons think of the region that bears them.
The skull is ridged above the orbit, the frontal eminence, more markedly in males than females and one of the features distinguishing the sexes.
The skin overlying the ridge is also thickened, in comparison with elsewhere in the forehead, and it is this arched pad of thickened tissues that the anatomist calls the eyebrow.
There is an arch of hairs of lengths varying with sex and age that are inserted into these pads, but whether the hairs are present or not (they are lost in some disease states), the region over the orbits is still the “eyebrow.”
Into the skin of the eyebrow pad are inserted muscle fibers from the frontal belly of occipito-frontalis and from the corrugator muscle. The former prevents the pad from drooping over the orbit, corrugator will “knit the brows” drawing the pads together and wrinkling the skin between them, over the root of the nose.
There is a great deal of teleological, hence unscientific, discussion about why we have the so-called eyebrows, and what purpose they might serve. What we do agree about is that women will commonly reshape them, and that might make them more attractive, whereas men are expected to tolerate them as they are. The hairs change with age, losing their well-organized state of youth to becoming longer and bushier. With age (also with associated obesity) the pad of tissue, the real eyebrow, thickens further and begins to descend over the upper eyelid.

This case depicts a 45 year old woman who wished to address her "heavy" upper eyelids and the fact that others often perceived her as angry.
Dr. Belsley felt that she would benefit from elevating the position of her eyebrows in addition to having upper and lower eyelid lifts. The combination of the brow lift and eyelid lifts opened up her eyes and defined her.
Upper eyelid creases, while maintain a youthful fullness to the upper eyelid. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance at two weeks after surgery. Dr. Belsley performs brow lifts using a few short incisions within the hairline. The position of the eyebrows alone can be elevated using the incision through which an upper eyelid lift is performed.

This case depicts a 56 year old woman who wished to improve the appearance of sagging skin that she had developed as a result of age and dramatic weight loss.
She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lifts, a short scar face lift and a neck lift. Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately 4 months after surgery.
Although a properly executed short scar face lift can effect some improvement in the appearance of sagging skin in the neck with no incisions behind the ears, individuals with an extensive amount of skin and muscle descent require longer incisions and a formal neck lift to achieve dramatic results.