This case depicts a 52 year old woman who underwent an upper eyelid lift and a short scar face lift.
Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately four months after surgery.
Although a short scar face lift does not require any incisions beneath the ears, it can have a profound effect on the jowls and the skin and fat beneath the chin.

This case depicts a 49 year old woman who wanted to achieve a more youthful appearance. She underwent an upper and lower eyelid lift, a midface lift and a short scar face lift with liposuction of the upper neck and jowls.
Her post-operative photographs show her approximately six weeks after surgery.
In appropriate individuals, liposuction alone can achieve a youthful, attractive appearance of the neck. This allows for shorter incisions and often a more rapid recovery.

This case depicts a 59 year old woman who wanted to achieve a more youthful appearance. She was specifically concerned with her jowls and the fullness beneath her neck. She underwent an upper eyelid lift, a lower eyelid lift, a short scar face lift and ultrasound assisted liposuction of her neck and jowls.
The pictures show her approximately six months after surgery. The lower eyelid lift performed in this case did not involve removal of the fat that normally resides in the lower eyelid.
Instead, the fat was repositioned to fill in the hollows of the lower eyelids, making the transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek smoother and more aesthetically attractive.

This case depicts a 56 year old woman who wished to improve the appearance of sagging skin that she had developed as a result of age and dramatic weight loss.
She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lifts, a short scar face lift and a neck lift. Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately 4 months after surgery.
Although a properly executed short scar face lift can effect some improvement in the appearance of sagging skin in the neck with no incisions behind the ears, individuals with an extensive amount of skin and muscle descent require longer incisions and a formal neck lift to achieve dramatic results.

This case depicts a 58 year old woman who wished to achieve a more youthful facial appearance.She underwent upper and lower eyelid lifts and a short scar face lift which addressed the skin and fat beneath the chin, the jowls and elevated the midface.
Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately nine months after surgery.
I try to perform a "mid-face lift" or "cheek lift" as a routine part of a short scar facial rejuvenation procedure. In individuals who have full cheeks that have descended over time, this portion of the procedure complements an aggressive correction of the jowls.