Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction
This is a specific surgical technique, and as such can be expected to vary in instrumentation according to the manufacturer and experience, and to be used in differing manners according to the surgeon.
Liposuction is the removal of fat by suction. That sounds such a simple thing to do that all kinds of people attempt it, and all kinds of unfortunate results are found, varying from unsightly appearance to death.
There are certain areas of the body which are cosmetically unsightly, but because of a high content of fibrous tissue as well as the excess fat, are difficult to correct satisfactorily by simple liposuction. Typical of these are gynecomastia in the male and the upper back in either sex.
Ultrasound does more than make pictures of the fetus, used in a different way it is a method of focussing energy at a small area, and is widely used by physical therapists for this purpose; absorbed energy causes heat. Fat at human temperatures is in a liquid state contained with the cell wall. When the appropriate tool is used, ultrasound will liberate the fat from its containing cell envelope, and it can then be removed by suction-assisted lipoplasty.

This case depicts a 47 year old woman whose concerns included that her lower body was out of proportion with her upper body. This body shape affected the way that her clothing fit. She underwent liposuction of the lateral thighs, medial thighs and medial knees, restoring balance to her body.
Liposuction, in this type of an individual, can increase fashion options, improve the fit of clothing and certainly increase self-confidence.
The recovery time varies with the amount of fat removed and the areas addressed. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.

This case depicts a 34 year old man who was concerned with the appearance of excess fat above his buttocks.
In both men and women, this area is sometimes referred to as "the love handles," and it is especially responsive to liposuction. I tend to use ultrasound assisted liposuction in this area because it allows me to remove fat more evenly and more thoroughly. The incisions are easy to hide in most swimwear and the results can have a profound effect upon the male physique.
The post-operative photographs depict this man's appearance approximately six weeks after surgery.

This case depicts a 45 year old woman who had concerns with excess fat above the buttocks.
This area was deeply out of proportion with the rest of her trunk and negatively affected the way that her clothing fit. In both men and women, this area is often referred to as the "love handles."
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction was utilized to harmonize the appearance of the lower back with that of the remainder of her torso. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.

This case depicts a 33 year old woman who had concerns with excess fat above the buttocks, around the waist in the back and around the bra area. Liposuction in the back has been greatly facilitated in my practice with the advent of ultrasound assisted liposuction.
This specialized method of liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to break up fat cells so that they may be removed more thoroughly and more evenlly.
I use this method of liposuction in the back and in other areas of the body where removal of fat with traditional liposuction is more difficult. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.

This case depicts a fit 24 year old woman who exercised and ate healthfully, but wished for her upper arms to appear more defined.
Ultrasonic liposuction was utilized to remove the relatively small amount of fatty tissue that was obscuring her musculature.
Even in fit and muscular individuals, fat can obscure muscle tone. The incisions necessary for this type of procedure are only several millimeters long and the results can be remarkable.
The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately six weeks after surgery.
Dr. Belsley's Philosophy of Male Breast Reduction
Treatment for gynecomastia can be approached in several ways and is largely dependent upon the “type” of tissue in the chest that needs to be reduced. A physical examination is necessary to create a plan for treatment. Most of the time, I treat these individuals with a combination of ultrasonic liposuction and removal of glandular and breast tissue through a small incision on the border of the areola. Some individuals will be able to achieve excellent results with ultrasonic liposuction alone. Others, may require more extensive incisions. My goal is to give you a natural looking masculine shape that is well proportioned with the rest of your body using the shortest incision possible.
More >>“Mid-body” liposuction might be used in conjunction with an abdominoplasty
Translating from the Latin, this means “sucking out the fat, which gives the unfortunate impression that anyone can do it, and unfortunately some unskilled persons attempt it. It makes more sense to call the procedure lipoplasty for a degree of remodelling is usually required; there is more to it than merely sucking out the fat, the skill comes in knowing which fat, and how much.
In the live person, the fat is contained within a cell envelope (lipocytes) and is fluid; the procedure of liposuction removes the cells and the fat, so on a purely theoretical basis, the fat should not return if the cells have been removed.