Abdominoplasty in a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds

This 33 year old woman embarked upon a diet and exercise program that resulted in a 100 pounds weight loss over a 10 month period. Significant changes in her body's appearance occured, but because there is a limit to how much an individual's skin can shrink down to a smaller contour, some issues remained.
These types of issues are ideally adressed by performing an abdominoplasty along with tailored liposuction.

BEFORE PHOTOGRAPH: This is a frontal view of a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds over a 10 month period with diet and exercise. Most individuals who lose massive amounts of weight, with or without the assistance of surgery, have excess skin because there seems to be a limit to how much skin can shrink to a newer, smaller contour. Every person's skin is different and some shrink significantly better than others. This woman's skin shrank quite well, but she still had a small "flap" of skin that was folded over in the lower abdomen. This is precisely what is addressed in abdominoplasty surgery.

AFTER PHOTOGRAPH: This is a frontal view of a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds over a 10 month period with diet and exercise. The skin excess has been corrected and although she has a scar, she can now wear form fitting clothing without having extra skin folding over the clothing. Most abdominoplasty scars can be completely or almost completely hidden in a wide variety of underwear and bikini bottom choices. Ultimately, however, an individual who has this surgery must be comfortable trading an improved contour for the possibility of visible scars. For many, this "plastic surgery trade-off" is a good one.

BEFORE PHOTOGRAPH: This is a left profile view of a 33 year old woman who underwent abdominoplasty after losing 100 pounds over a 10 month period with diet and exercise. In this photograph, the "flap" of skin that hung over underwear or her pant line in the front is especially visible. This skin "flap" is noticeable in fitted clothing and virtually all swimwear.

AFTER PHOTOGRAPH: This is a left profile view of a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds over a 10 month period with diet and exercise. The excess skin has been removed and her abdomen now has a near ideal contour. Tightening of the abdominal wall muscles is an important part of an abdominoplasty. This contributes as much if not more to the post-surgical abdominal contour than skin removal in many individuals, especially those who are thin. This woman's scar was kept relativey short (less than 12 inches long) such that she has many options when selecting swimwear that is intended to conceal the scars.

BEFORE PHOTOGRAPH: This is a posterior truncal view of a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds over 10 months with diet and exercise. Despite losing almost all of her excess body fat and achieving a BMI of 23.5, this woman like many others at a normal weight, still had small fat deposits in her upper buttocks or "love handles."

AFTER PHOTOGRAPH: This is a posterior truncal view of a 33 year old woman who lost 100 pounds over a 10 month period with diet and exercise. The remaining excess fatty deposits in the upper buttocks or "love handles" were partially treated with liposuction performed from the front during her abdominoplasty. A noticeable improvement in their appearance occured as a result. This type of treatment does not add much time to the time required to perform an abdominoplasty. More complete treatment of this area can be achieved by performing liposuction from the back as well as from the front. Many patients opt for this as well, although this woman's result shows that a noticeable improvment can be achieved by performing liposuction from the front alone along with the abdominoplasty.